
Sampling and observational studies

Correlation and Causality
e.g. Passage:
-Eating breakfast may beat teen obesity;
-Regular breakfast eaters seemed more physically active than breakfast skippers;
-Regular breakfast eaters tended to gain less weight and had a lower body mass index than breakfast skippers.
-Eating breakfast--Not obese
-Eating breakfast--Active
-Skipping breakfast--Obese
**We need to consider what's the relationship between these behaviors and the consequences they lead to, so think about the following questions: 1.Does the conclusion really suggest that eating breakfast leads to activity? 2.Does the conclusion just suggest being more active may have things to do with eating breakfast?
A causes B/ B causes A
-Eating breakfast causes not obese
-Eating breakfast causes activity
-Skipping breakfast causes obesity
Whenever B is happening, A might happen at the same time
-Breakfast eating correlates with obesity
-Breakfast eating correlates with activity
-Breakfast skipping correlates with obesity
*Those relationships are all mutual

